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AbstractCommandMessage - Class in it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.interfaces
The abstract class defining a command message that can be used by the bus infrastructure.
AbstractCommandMessage() - Constructor for class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.interfaces.AbstractCommandMessage
AbstractQueryMessage<T> - Class in it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.interfaces
The abstract class defining a query message that can be used by the bus infrastructure.
AbstractQueryMessage() - Constructor for class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.interfaces.AbstractQueryMessage
addClassOrInterfaceToSerializationIfNecessary(Set<Class<?>>, EventsRegistrationsMap, Class<?>) - Method in interface it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.eventinheritancepolicy.base.InheritancePolicy
Method that adds a class to the (eventClassesAndInterfaces) set if the class is not already contained in the (eventsRegistrations) map.
addRegistration(BusEventKey, Registration) - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.dto.registrations.maps.interfaces.EventsRegistrationsMap
The abstract method to add a new Registration to the Registrations map.
addRegistration(BusEventKey, Registration) - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.dto.registrations.maps.PriorityEventsRegistrationsMap
The method that adds a new Registration to the Registrations map by priority.
addRegistration(BusEventKey, Registration) - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.dto.registrations.maps.UnorderedEventsRegistrationsMap
The method that adds a new Registration to the Registrations map by order of arrival.
addRegistrationToTheListByPriority(List<Registration>, Registration) - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.dto.registrations.maps.PriorityEventsRegistrationsMap
Private helper method that inserts by priority a Registration in the Registrations list.


BRIDGE - Static variable in class
In newer class files, compilers may add methods.
build() - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus.EventBusBuilder
Build an EventBus configured by EventBusBuilder's properties eventually set or with pre-configured default values
BusEventKey - Class in it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.dto
A key for events used by the EventBus' maps internally
BusEventKey(Class<?>) - Constructor for class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.dto.BusEventKey
The constructor to create a BusEventKey
BusMemoryStateManager - Class in it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.state
The bus memory state manager which stores and manages events and listeners
BusMemoryStateManager(BlockingQueue<Message>, ExecutorService, CountDownLatch, MemoryState, ListenerMethodFinder, boolean) - Constructor for class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.state.BusMemoryStateManager
The constructor used to build the BusMemoryStateManager
busMemoryStateManagerThread - Variable in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus.EventBusInfrastructure
A Thread used by the BusMemoryStateManager to work asynchronously.


CLASS_EVENT_INHERITANCE - Enum constant in enum class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.eventinheritancepolicy.base.InheritancePolicyType
ClassEventInheritancePolicy - Class in it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.eventinheritancepolicy.policies
This implementation of the InheritancePolicy interface searches for all superclasses (and only them) given the event class.
ClassEventInheritancePolicy() - Constructor for class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.eventinheritancepolicy.policies.ClassEventInheritancePolicy
clear() - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.dto.registrations.maps.interfaces.EventsRegistrationsMap
Clear all the BusEventKeys contained in the EventsRegistrationsMap.registrations map
CLEAR_ALL_STICKY_EVENTS_MESSAGE - Enum constant in enum class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.interfaces.MessageType
clearGlobalInstance() - Static method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus.GlobalEventBus
Utility method just for test purposes
commandQueryMessageQueue - Variable in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.state.BusMemoryStateManager
The message queue is used by the BusMemoryStateManager to receive internal system messages.
complete(T) - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.interfaces.AbstractQueryMessage
A method useful to notify that an action is completed in the future without exception
COMPLETE_EVENT_INHERITANCE - Enum constant in enum class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.eventinheritancepolicy.base.InheritancePolicyType
CompleteEventInheritancePolicy - Class in it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.eventinheritancepolicy.policies
This implementation of the InheritancePolicy interface searches for all superclasses and interfaces given the event class.
CompleteEventInheritancePolicy() - Constructor for class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.eventinheritancepolicy.policies.CompleteEventInheritancePolicy
completeWithException(Exception) - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.interfaces.AbstractQueryMessage
A method useful to notify that an action thrown exception while completing.
containsKey(BusEventKey) - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.dto.registrations.maps.interfaces.EventsRegistrationsMap
countDownLatch - Variable in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus.EventBusInfrastructure
During the shutdown phase the EventBusInfrastructure will send a shutdown message to each EventExecutor's worker and to the BusMemoryStateManager.
countDownLatch - Variable in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.state.BusMemoryStateManager
A CountDownLatch used during the shutdown phase to notify when the BusMemoryStateManager is shutting down.
create(Method) - Static method in class
createInheritancePolicy(InheritancePolicyType) - Static method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.eventinheritancepolicy.FactoryInheritancePolicy
The factory method used to create an InheritancePolicy


A default empty inheritance package frontier path
equals(Object) - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.dto.BusEventKey
equals(Object) - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.dto.EventMethodKey
EventBus - Interface in it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus
UFO EventBus is a publish/subscribe event system.
EventBusBuilder - Class in it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus
A builder which can be used to create an EventBus
EventBusBuilder() - Constructor for class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus.EventBusBuilder
EventBusException - Exception in it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.exceptions
An Exception thrown if something goes wrong using the EventBus.
EventBusException(String) - Constructor for exception it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.exceptions.EventBusException
Constructor for creating an EventBusException, passing a message for the exception
EventBusException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.exceptions.EventBusException
Constructor for creating an EventBusException, passing a message for the exception and the concrete exception occurred behind the scenes
eventBusInfrastructure - Variable in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus.UfoEventBus
The EventBusInfrastructure is a class that manage the internal components of the EventBus
EventBusInfrastructure - Class in it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus
The data structures composing the infrastructure of the EventBus.
EventBusInfrastructure(ListenerMethodFinder, InheritancePolicy, int, int, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus.EventBusInfrastructure
The constructor used to build the EventBusInfrastructure
eventClass - Variable in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.commands.RemoveStickyEventMessage
The class of the sticky event to remove.
eventClass - Variable in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.dto.BusEventKey
The class of the event
eventClass - Variable in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.dto.EventMethodKey
The class of the event
EventExecutor - Class in it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.executor
An EventExecutor is a worker used by the bus to notify listeners.
EventExecutor(List<Registration>, Object) - Constructor for class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.executor.EventExecutor
The constructor used to build an EventExecutor
eventInheritancePolicy - Variable in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus.EventBusBuilder
The events InheritancePolicy used by the eventbus.
EventMethodKey - Class in it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.dto
A key for events used by the EventBus' maps internally
EventMethodKey(Class<?>, Method) - Constructor for class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.dto.EventMethodKey
The constructor to create a BusEventKey
eventsRegistrations - Variable in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.state.MemoryState
Data structure used to map each listener's registration metadata stored into the memory state
EventsRegistrationsMap - Class in it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.dto.registrations.maps.interfaces
The base abstract class that implements the Registrations maps used by the EventBus' MemoryState.
EventsRegistrationsMap() - Constructor for class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.dto.registrations.maps.interfaces.EventsRegistrationsMap
eventSuperClassesAndInterfacesCache - Variable in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.state.MemoryState
A map used to cache superclasses and interfaces related to an event class
eventToPost - Variable in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.executor.EventExecutor
eventToPost - Variable in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.commands.PostEventMessage
The event to post
EXECUTE_MESSAGE - Enum constant in enum class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.interfaces.MessageType


FactoryInheritancePolicy - Class in it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.eventinheritancepolicy
The factory used to create an InheritancePolicy.
FactoryInheritancePolicy() - Constructor for class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.eventinheritancepolicy.FactoryInheritancePolicy
findAllMethods(Class<?>) - Method in class
This method finds all methods defined in a given class.
findListenerMethods(Object, MemoryState) - Method in class
Method used to retrieve all the listener's methods annotated with the Listen annotation and to update the MemoryState accordingly.
foundListenerStickyEventsRegistrations - Variable in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.state.MemoryState
Partial registrations on sticky events for each Listener (used only in listener registration)
futureResponse - Variable in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.interfaces.AbstractQueryMessage
A completable future used to return some query value, for example a boolean stating if a listener is registered to the bus.


get(BusEventKey) - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.dto.registrations.maps.interfaces.EventsRegistrationsMap
Getter method to obtain the list of Registrations for a BusEventKey
getAllEventInheritanceObjects(Object, EventsRegistrationsMap, Map<Class<?>, Set<Class<?>>>) - Method in interface it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.eventinheritancepolicy.base.InheritancePolicy
The interface method that returns a set of classes (the implementation uses LinkedHashSet to preserve order of insertion), based on the chosen inheritance policy.
getAllEventInheritanceObjects(Object, EventsRegistrationsMap, Map<Class<?>, Set<Class<?>>>) - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.eventinheritancepolicy.policies.ClassEventInheritancePolicy
getAllEventInheritanceObjects(Object, EventsRegistrationsMap, Map<Class<?>, Set<Class<?>>>) - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.eventinheritancepolicy.policies.CompleteEventInheritancePolicy
getAllEventInheritanceObjects(Object, EventsRegistrationsMap, Map<Class<?>, Set<Class<?>>>) - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.eventinheritancepolicy.policies.InterfaceEventInheritancePolicy
getAllEventInheritanceObjects(Object, EventsRegistrationsMap, Map<Class<?>, Set<Class<?>>>) - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.eventinheritancepolicy.policies.NoEventInheritancePolicy
getEventClass() - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.commands.RemoveStickyEventMessage
Getter for the wrapped class of the sticky event to remove.
getEventClass() - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.dto.BusEventKey
Get the class of the event
getEventClass() - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.dto.EventMethodKey
Get the class of the event
getEventEventsRegistrationsSize() - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.state.MemoryState
getEventSuperClassesAndInterfaces(Object) - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.state.MemoryState
Gets all the superclasses and interfaces for the event to post regarding the current InheritancePolicy
getEventToPost() - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.executor.EventExecutor
Get the event to post to the various registrations
getEventToPost() - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.commands.PostEventMessage
Getter for the wrapped event to post
getEventToPost() - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.commands.PostStickyEventMessage
Getter for the wrapped event to post
getFoundListenerStickyEventsRegistrations() - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.state.MemoryState
Gets the found lister sticky events registrations
getInstance() - Static method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus.GlobalEventBus
Get the global eventbus singleton instance.
getListener() - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.dto.registrations.Registration
Getter for the listener of the Registration
getListenerToCheck() - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.query.IsListenerRegisteredMessage
Getter for the wrapped listener to check
getListenerToRegister() - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.commands.RegisterMessage
Getter for the wrapped listener to register
getListenerToUnregister() - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.commands.UnregisterListenerMessage
Getter for the wrapped listener to unregister
getMessageType() - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.commands.PostEventMessage
Getter for the message type
getMessageType() - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.commands.PostStickyEventMessage
Getter for the message type
getMessageType() - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.commands.PrintStateMessage
Getter for the message type
getMessageType() - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.commands.RegisterMessage
Getter for the message type
getMessageType() - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.commands.RemoveAllStickyEventsMessage
Getter for the message type
getMessageType() - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.commands.RemoveStickyEventMessage
Getter for the message type
getMessageType() - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.commands.ShutdownStateManagerMessage
Getter for the message type
getMessageType() - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.commands.UnregisterListenerMessage
Getter for the message type
getMessageType() - Method in interface it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.interfaces.Message
Getter for the message type
getMessageType() - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.query.IsListenerRegisteredMessage
Getter for the message type
getMethod() - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.dto.EventMethodKey
Get the method that listens to the event
getMethod() - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.dto.registrations.Registration
Getter for method to invoke when a new notification for the listener needs to be delivered
getMethodHandler() - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.dto.registrations.RegistrationMethodHandler
Getter for methodHandler to invoke when a new notification for the listener needs to be delivered
getPriority() - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.dto.registrations.Registration
Getter for the priority of the Registration
getRegistrationList() - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.executor.EventExecutor
Get the registrations list
getRegistrations(BusEventKey) - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.state.MemoryState
Get the list of listeners registrations for a particular event
getResponse() - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.interfaces.AbstractQueryMessage
Getter for the future response
getStickyEvent(BusEventKey) - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.state.MemoryState
Get a saved sticky event into the MemoryState.stickyEventsMap if present specifying its BusEventKey
GlobalEventBus - Class in it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus
Class which exposes an API to create and use a global eventbus with a singleton instance
GlobalEventBus() - Constructor for class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus.GlobalEventBus
Private constructor
globalInstance - Static variable in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus.GlobalEventBus
A unique instance of GlobalEventBus.


Handler<T,V> - Interface in
hashCode() - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.dto.BusEventKey
hashCode() - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.dto.EventMethodKey


inheritancePackageFrontierPath - Variable in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus.EventBusBuilder
The #inheritancePackageFrontierPath is used to stop the iteration over classes while using event inheritance.
inheritancePackageFrontierPath - Variable in class
Sets the package used to stop the iteration over classes while using event inheritance.
inheritancePolicy - Variable in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.state.MemoryState
The chosen system inheritancePolicy is stored here.
InheritancePolicy - Interface in it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.eventinheritancepolicy.base
The interface that defines an inheritance policy to apply on the event class.
InheritancePolicyType - Enum Class in it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.eventinheritancepolicy.base
An enum with all the possible inheritance policies
InheritancePolicyType() - Constructor for enum class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.eventinheritancepolicy.base.InheritancePolicyType
INTERFACE_EVENT_INHERITANCE - Enum constant in enum class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.eventinheritancepolicy.base.InheritancePolicyType
InterfaceEventInheritancePolicy - Class in it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.eventinheritancepolicy.policies
This implementation of the InheritancePolicy interface searches for all interfaces given the event class.
InterfaceEventInheritancePolicy() - Constructor for class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.eventinheritancepolicy.policies.InterfaceEventInheritancePolicy
invokeMethod(T, V) - Method in interface
IS_LISTENER_REGISTERED_MESSAGE - Enum constant in enum class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.interfaces.MessageType
isClassProcessableByPackage(String) - Method in class
This method is used to check if the listener class is processable analyzing its package.
isEmpty() - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.dto.registrations.maps.interfaces.EventsRegistrationsMap
Check if the EventsRegistrationsMap.registrations map is empty or not
isEventsRegistrationsEmpty() - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.state.MemoryState
Check if the MemoryState.eventsRegistrations map is empty
isListenerRegistered(Object) - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.state.MemoryState
Returns a boolean which is true if the passed listener is currently registered in the memory state, or false otherwise.
IsListenerRegisteredMessage - Class in it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.query
An internal message sent from the event bus infrastructure to the bus memory state when a query regarding a listener registration is sent.
IsListenerRegisteredMessage(Object) - Constructor for class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.query.IsListenerRegisteredMessage
The constructor to build an IsListenerRegisteredMessage
isNewListener(Object) - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.state.MemoryState
Checks if the specified listener is already registered in the MemoryState.listenerToEventsMap
isRegistered(Object) - Method in interface it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus.EventBus
Checks if the passed object is already registered in the eventbus for listening to events.
isRegistered(Object) - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus.UfoEventBus
isStickyEventRegistered(BusEventKey) - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.state.MemoryState
Check if a sticky event with a specified BusEventKey is registered in the MemoryState.stickyEventsMap
it.rebirthproject.ufoeb - module it.rebirthproject.ufoeb
The UfoEventBus Java module.
it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus - package it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus
it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.executor - package it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.executor
it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.commands - package it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.commands
it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.interfaces - package it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.interfaces
it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.query - package it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.query
it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.state - package it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.state
it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.dto - package it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.dto
it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.dto.registrations - package it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.dto.registrations
it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.dto.registrations.maps - package it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.dto.registrations.maps
it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.dto.registrations.maps.interfaces - package it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.dto.registrations.maps.interfaces
it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.eventannotation - package it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.eventannotation
it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.eventinheritancepolicy - package it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.eventinheritancepolicy
it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.eventinheritancepolicy.base - package it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.eventinheritancepolicy.base
it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.eventinheritancepolicy.policies - package it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.eventinheritancepolicy.policies
it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.exceptions - package it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.exceptions - package - package


keySet() - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.dto.registrations.maps.interfaces.EventsRegistrationsMap
Obtains all the BusEventKeys contained in the EventsRegistrationsMap.registrations map as a java set of keys


LambdaFactory - Class in
LambdaFactory() - Constructor for class
Listen - Annotation Interface in it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.eventannotation
This annotation must be applied to methods of registered listeners to EventBus.
listener - Variable in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.dto.registrations.Registration
The listener of the Registration
listenerMethodFinder - Variable in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.state.BusMemoryStateManager
The ListenerMethodFinder is a service used to retrieve registered listeners methods annotated with Listen and to store them inside the MemoryState
ListenerMethodFinder - Class in
The ListenerMethodFinder is a service used to retrieve registered listeners methods annotated with Listen and to store them inside the MemoryState
ListenerMethodFinder(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, String) - Constructor for class
Class constructor used to build a ListenerMethodFinder
listenerSuperclassInheritance - Variable in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus.EventBusBuilder
This parameter should be used when you want to use inheritance over a listener and all its superclasses.
listenerSuperclassInheritance - Variable in class
This parameter should be used when you want to use inheritance over a listener and all its superclasses.
listenerToCheck - Variable in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.query.IsListenerRegisteredMessage
The listener to check
listenerToEventsMap - Variable in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.state.MemoryState
This map data structure contains all the registered listeners and their corresponding listened events keys A listener can listen to different events (one or more).
listenerToRegister - Variable in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.commands.RegisterMessage
The listener to register
listenerToUnregister - Variable in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.commands.UnregisterListenerMessage
The listener to unregister
logger - Static variable in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus.EventBusInfrastructure
The logger used by this class.
logger - Static variable in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus.UfoEventBus
The logger used by this class
logger - Static variable in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.executor.EventExecutor
The logger used by this class
logger - Static variable in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.state.BusMemoryStateManager
The logger used by this class
logger - Static variable in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.state.MemoryState
The logger used by this class


manageEventToPost(Object) - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.state.BusMemoryStateManager
Private method used to handle a message to post to EventExecutors workers.
memoryState - Variable in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.state.BusMemoryStateManager
MemoryState - Class in it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.state
The memory state of the EventBus.
MemoryState(boolean, InheritancePolicy, boolean) - Constructor for class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.state.MemoryState
The constructor used to build the memory state
Message - Interface in it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.interfaces
A message used by the eventbus architecture.
messageQueue - Variable in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus.EventBusInfrastructure
A blocking queue used to communicate internal messages to other EventBus's components.
MessageType - Enum Class in it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.interfaces
An enum which contains all the possible messages types used by the eventbus architecture.
MessageType() - Constructor for enum class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.interfaces.MessageType
method - Variable in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.dto.EventMethodKey
The callback method to invoke when a new notification for the listener needs to be delivered
method - Variable in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.dto.registrations.Registration
The callback method to invoke when a new notification for the listener needs to be delivered
methodHandler - Variable in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.dto.registrations.RegistrationMethodHandler
The handler method to invoke when a new notification for the listener needs to be delivered.
MODIFIERS_IGNORE - Static variable in class
In newer class files, compilers may add methods.


NO_EVENT_INHERITANCE - Enum constant in enum class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.eventinheritancepolicy.base.InheritancePolicyType
NoEventInheritancePolicy - Class in it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.eventinheritancepolicy.policies
The simpler implementation of the InheritancePolicy interface.
NoEventInheritancePolicy() - Constructor for class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.eventinheritancepolicy.policies.NoEventInheritancePolicy
numberOfWorkers - Variable in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus.EventBusBuilder
The number of internal workers used by the EventBus behind the scenes to process posted events and notify listeners.
numberOfWorkers - Variable in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus.EventBusInfrastructure
The number of workers (EventExecutors) used by the bus behind the scenes to deliver events.


post(Object) - Method in interface it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus.EventBus
Posts the given event to the eventbus.
post(Object) - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus.UfoEventBus
POST_EVENT_MESSAGE - Enum constant in enum class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.interfaces.MessageType
POST_STICKY_EVENT_MESSAGE - Enum constant in enum class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.interfaces.MessageType
postEvent(Object, Class<?>) - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.state.BusMemoryStateManager
Private method used to send an event to EventExecutors workers
PostEventMessage - Class in it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.commands
An internal message sent from the event bus infrastructure to the EventBus' MemoryState when an event is posted to the bus.
PostEventMessage(Object) - Constructor for class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.commands.PostEventMessage
The constructor to build a PostEventMessage
postSticky(Object) - Method in interface it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus.EventBus
Posts the given event to the eventbus that saves it (because it's sticky).
postSticky(Object) - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus.UfoEventBus
PostStickyEventMessage - Class in it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.commands
An internal message sent from the event bus infrastructure to the EventBus' MemoryState when a sticky event is posted to the bus.
PostStickyEventMessage(Object) - Constructor for class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.commands.PostStickyEventMessage
The constructor to build a PostStickyEventMessage
PRINT_STATE - Enum constant in enum class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.interfaces.MessageType
printBusState() - Method in interface it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus.EventBus
Tells the bus to log its memory state for debug pourpose.
printBusState() - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus.UfoEventBus
printEventbusInformation() - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus.UfoEventBus
Prints basic information about the used Java VM and the UfoEventBus version
printEventsRegistrations() - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.state.MemoryState
Print all the data in the MemoryState.eventsRegistrations
printListenerToEventsMap() - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.state.MemoryState
Print all the data in the MemoryState.listenerToEventsMap
printState() - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.state.MemoryState
Print all the useful data in the MemoryState
PrintStateMessage - Class in it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.commands
An internal message sent from the event bus infrastructure to the EventBus' MemoryState when you want to print the bus internal state.
PrintStateMessage() - Constructor for class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.commands.PrintStateMessage
priority - Variable in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.dto.registrations.Registration
The priority of the Registration
priority() - Element in annotation interface it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.eventannotation.Listen
Listener priority to influence the order of event delivery.
PriorityEventsRegistrationsMap - Class in it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.dto.registrations.maps
The map used to add a Registration using its priority.
PriorityEventsRegistrationsMap() - Constructor for class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.dto.registrations.maps.PriorityEventsRegistrationsMap
process(Object) - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.dto.registrations.Registration
Method to process a registration
process(Object) - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.dto.registrations.RegistrationMethodHandler
process(Object) - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.dto.registrations.RegistrationStandardReflection


queueLength - Variable in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus.EventBusBuilder
The length of the infrastructure internal queues used by the EventBusInfrastructure.


register(Object) - Method in interface it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus.EventBus
Registers a listener to the eventbus to receive specific events.
register(Object) - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus.UfoEventBus
REGISTER_LISTENER_MESSAGE - Enum constant in enum class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.interfaces.MessageType
registerListener(BusEventKey, Registration) - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.state.MemoryState
Method used to register a listener in the memory state
RegisterMessage - Class in it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.commands
An internal message sent from the bus infrastructure to the EventBus' MemoryState when a new listener is registered to an event.
RegisterMessage(Object) - Constructor for class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.commands.RegisterMessage
The constructor to build a RegisterMessage
registerStickyEvent(BusEventKey, Object) - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.state.MemoryState
Register a sticky event in the memory state
Registration - Class in it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.dto.registrations
Interface representing a registration.
Registration() - Constructor for class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.dto.registrations.Registration
registrationList - Variable in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.executor.EventExecutor
registrationMapContainsKey(BusEventKey) - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.state.MemoryState
Check if the MemoryState.eventsRegistrations map contains the specified BusEventKey
RegistrationMethodHandler - Class in it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.dto.registrations
DTO Representing all the data of a listener to register in the system.
RegistrationMethodHandler(Object, Method, int) - Constructor for class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.dto.registrations.RegistrationMethodHandler
registrations - Variable in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.dto.registrations.maps.interfaces.EventsRegistrationsMap
The map used to store the Registrations of the bus
RegistrationStandardReflection - Class in it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.dto.registrations
DTO Representing all the data of a listener to register in the system.
RegistrationStandardReflection(Object, Method, int) - Constructor for class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.dto.registrations.RegistrationStandardReflection
REMOVE_STICKY_EVENT_MESSAGE - Enum constant in enum class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.interfaces.MessageType
removeAllSticky() - Method in interface it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus.EventBus
Removes all the sticky events from eventbus.
removeAllSticky() - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus.UfoEventBus
removeAllStickyEvents() - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.state.MemoryState
Remove all the sticky events from the memory state
RemoveAllStickyEventsMessage - Class in it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.commands
An internal message sent when all sticky events must to be removed from the EventBus' MemoryState.
RemoveAllStickyEventsMessage() - Constructor for class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.commands.RemoveAllStickyEventsMessage
The constructor to build a RemoveAllStickyEventsMessage
removeSticky(Class<?>) - Method in interface it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus.EventBus
Removes a sticky event from the eventbus given the event type.
removeSticky(Class<?>) - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus.UfoEventBus
removeSticky(Object) - Method in interface it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus.EventBus
Removes a sticky event from the eventbus.
removeSticky(Object) - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus.UfoEventBus
RemoveStickyEventMessage - Class in it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.commands
An internal message sent when a sticky event must to be removed from the EventBus' MemoryState.
RemoveStickyEventMessage(Class<?>) - Constructor for class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.commands.RemoveStickyEventMessage
The constructor to build a RemoveStickyEventMessage
run() - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.executor.EventExecutor
This is the main method of the EventExecutor.
run() - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.state.BusMemoryStateManager
This method is called when the BusMemoryStateManager (which implements the Runnable java interface) starts his work after being executed in a separated thread.


safeRegistrationsListNeeded - Variable in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus.EventBusBuilder
This parameter ensures that workers gets an unmodifiable Registration's list.
safeRegistrationsListNeeded - Variable in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.state.MemoryState
This attribute ensures that workers gets an unmodifiable Registration's list.
sendMessage(Message) - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus.EventBusInfrastructure
The method used to send messages to other internal components
sendShutdownStateManagerMessage() - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus.EventBusInfrastructure
Private utility method to send a ShutdownStateManagerMessage to the BusMemoryStateManager
serializeEventStructure(Class<?>, EventsRegistrationsMap) - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.eventinheritancepolicy.policies.ClassEventInheritancePolicy
This method will find all superclasses given the event class.
serializeEventStructure(Class<?>, EventsRegistrationsMap) - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.eventinheritancepolicy.policies.CompleteEventInheritancePolicy
This method will find all superclasses and interfaces given the event class.
serializeEventStructureForInheritanceInterface(Class<?>, Set<Class<?>>, EventsRegistrationsMap) - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.eventinheritancepolicy.policies.InterfaceEventInheritancePolicy
This method will find all interfaces implemented given the event class.
serializeInterfaces(Set<Class<?>>, EventsRegistrationsMap, Class<?>) - Method in interface it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.eventinheritancepolicy.base.InheritancePolicy
Method that finds all interfaces given the starting class to serialize and adds them to the given parameter set (eventClassesAndInterfaces).
setCompleteEventInheritance() - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus.EventBusBuilder
setEventInterfaceInheritance() - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus.EventBusBuilder
setEventSuperclassInheritance() - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus.EventBusBuilder
setInheritancePackageFrontierPath(String) - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus.EventBusBuilder
Sets the package used to stop the iteration over classes while using event inheritance.
setListenerSuperclassInheritance() - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus.EventBusBuilder
if set this parameter enables event inheritance over listeners classes (and superclasses).
setNumberOfWorkers(Integer) - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus.EventBusBuilder
Sets the number of internal workers used by the eventbus behind the scenes to process posted events and notify listeners
setNumberOfWorkersAsAvailableProcessors() - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus.EventBusBuilder
Sets the number of internal workers used by the eventbus equal to the available processors of current device.
setQueuesLength(Integer) - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus.EventBusBuilder
Sets the length of internal queues used by the the EventBusInfrastructure.
setSafeRegistrationsListNeeded() - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus.EventBusBuilder
setThrowNoListenerAnnotationException() - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus.EventBusBuilder
If a registering listener does not have any Listen annotated method or, in case of event inheritance enabled, also its super classes or interfaces does not have any Listen annotated method, then an EventBusException is thrown.
setThrowNoRegistrationsWarning() - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus.EventBusBuilder
Sets the bus to log warnings when no registration is found for a specific event.
setThrowNotValidMethodException() - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus.EventBusBuilder
if set then an EventBusException is thrown when an invalid Listen annotated method is found in a Listener.
setup(EventBusBuilder) - Static method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus.GlobalEventBus
Set up the global eventbus singleton instance.
setupAndGetInstance(EventBusBuilder) - Static method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus.GlobalEventBus
Setup the global eventbus singleton instance and returns it.
setUseLambdaFactoryInsteadOfStandardReflection() - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus.EventBusBuilder
This set the usage of Lambdafactory instead of standard java reflection
setVerboseLogging() - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus.EventBusBuilder
If this setter is set, the verbose logging will be enabled
shutdown() - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus.EventBusInfrastructure
The method used to shut down the EventBus.
SHUTDOWN_EXECUTOR - Enum constant in enum class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.interfaces.MessageType
SHUTDOWN_STATE_MANAGER - Enum constant in enum class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.interfaces.MessageType
shutdownBus() - Method in interface it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus.EventBus
Shutdown the eventbus infrastructure.
shutdownBus() - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus.UfoEventBus
ShutdownStateManagerMessage - Class in it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.commands
An internal message sent from the event bus infrastructure to BusMemoryStateManager when the shutdown method of the EventBus is invoked.
ShutdownStateManagerMessage() - Constructor for class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.commands.ShutdownStateManagerMessage
The constructor to build a ShutdownStateManagerMessage
size() - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.dto.registrations.maps.interfaces.EventsRegistrationsMap
Check the size of the EventsRegistrationsMap.registrations map
startup() - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus.EventBusInfrastructure
The method used to start up the EventBusInfrastructure
stickyEventsMap - Variable in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.state.MemoryState
Map data structure containing all the metadata related to sticky events
stickyEventToPost - Variable in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.commands.PostStickyEventMessage
The sticky event to post
SYNTHETIC - Static variable in class
In newer class files, compilers may add methods.


throwNoListenerAnnotationException - Variable in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus.EventBusBuilder
If a registering listener does not have any Listen annotated method or, in case of event inheritance enabled, also its super classes or interfaces does not have any Listen annotated method, then an EventBusException is thrown.
throwNoListenerAnnotationException - Variable in class
If a registering listener does not have any Listen annotated method or, in case of event inheritance enabled, also its super classes or interfaces does not have any Listen annotated method, then an EventBusException is thrown.
throwNoRegistrationsWarning - Variable in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus.EventBusBuilder
Sets the bus to log warnings when no registration is found for a specific event.
throwNoRegistrationsWarning - Variable in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.state.BusMemoryStateManager
A boolean flag used to determine if a throwNoRegistrationsWarning should be raised or not.
throwNotValidMethodException - Variable in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus.EventBusBuilder
if set then an EventBusException is thrown when an invalid Listen annotated method is found in a Listener.
throwNotValidMethodException - Variable in class
if set then an EventBusException is thrown when an invalid Listen annotated method is found in a Listener.
toString() - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.interfaces.AbstractCommandMessage
A method that serializes the message class name.
toString() - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.interfaces.AbstractQueryMessage
A method that serializes the message class name.


UfoEventBus - Class in it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus
The concrete implementation of the EventBus interface
UfoEventBus(EventBusInfrastructure) - Constructor for class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus.UfoEventBus
The constructor used to build the UfoEventBus
UnorderedEventsRegistrationsMap - Class in it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.dto.registrations.maps
The map used to add a Registration by order of arrival.
UnorderedEventsRegistrationsMap() - Constructor for class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.dto.registrations.maps.UnorderedEventsRegistrationsMap
unregister(Object) - Method in interface it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus.EventBus
Unregisters the given listener from the eventbus.
unregister(Object) - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus.UfoEventBus
UNREGISTER_LISTENER_MESSAGE - Enum constant in enum class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.interfaces.MessageType
unregisterListener(Object) - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.state.MemoryState
Method used to unregister a listener from the memory state
UnregisterListenerMessage - Class in it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.commands
An internal message sent when the unregister method of the EventBus is invoked to unregister a listener.
UnregisterListenerMessage(Object) - Constructor for class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.commands.UnregisterListenerMessage
The constructor to build a UnregisterListenerMessage
unregisterStickyEvent(BusEventKey) - Method in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.state.MemoryState
Unregister a sticky event from the memory state
useLambdaFactoryInsteadOfStandardReflection - Variable in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus.EventBusBuilder
This parameter should be used when you want to use spped up listener's methods call.
useLambdaFactoryInsteadOfStandardReflection - Variable in class
This set the usage of Lambdafactory instead of standard java reflection


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.interfaces.MessageType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.eventinheritancepolicy.base.InheritancePolicyType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.messages.interfaces.MessageType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.eventinheritancepolicy.base.InheritancePolicyType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
verboseLogging - Variable in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus.EventBusBuilder
Boolean attribute used to enable or disable verbose logging
verboseLogging - Variable in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.state.MemoryState
Attribute set to true if verbose logging is enabled or to false otherwise


workersPoolExecutor - Variable in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.eventbus.EventBusInfrastructure
An ExecutorService used as a thread pool of EventExecutor workers.
workersPoolExecutor - Variable in class it.rebirthproject.ufoeb.architecture.state.BusMemoryStateManager
This is the thread pool cache that handles thread parallelism to obtain bus scalability.
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