Annotation Interface Listen

@Documented @Retention(RUNTIME) @Target(METHOD) public @interface Listen
This annotation must be applied to methods of registered listeners to EventBus. Those methods will be used by the bus system as callbacks to notify listeners about new events of the requested type. Method annotated with Listen must be public, return nothing (void), and have exactly one parameter (the event).


 Class MagazineReader wants to receive MagazineNews events, so this could be a stub of the class:

 public class MagazineReader {
      public void listenOnMagazineNews(MagazineNewsEvent event) {
          System.out.println("A news arrived: " + event.getNews());

 Class MagazineNewsEvent can be a simple POJO used to carry event's metadata, like this one:

 public class MagazineNewsEvent {

      private final String newsMessage;

      public MagazineNewsEvent(String newsMessage) {
          this.newsMessage = newsMessage;

      public String getNews() {
          return newsMessage;

 The MagazineReader instance must be registered to EventBus to receive news in his listenOnMagazineNews method.

 public static void main(String ... args) {
     MagazineReader magazineReader = new MagazineReader();
     ... MagazineNewsEvent("Hello Readers!!! Something new just happened..."));

See Also:
  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    Listener priority to influence the order of event delivery.
  • Element Details

    • priority

      int priority
      Listener priority to influence the order of event delivery. Higher priority listeners will receive events before others with a lower priority. The default priority is 0 (lowest priority).
      the listener priority.