Class InterfaceEventInheritancePolicy

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class InterfaceEventInheritancePolicy extends Object implements InheritancePolicy
This implementation of the InheritancePolicy interface searches for all interfaces given the event class. With this policy the resulting eventSuperClassesAndInterfacesCache set will contain the given class and all its implemented interfaces (recursively).
  • Constructor Details

    • InterfaceEventInheritancePolicy

      public InterfaceEventInheritancePolicy()
  • Method Details

    • getAllEventInheritanceObjects

      public Set<Class<?>> getAllEventInheritanceObjects(Object eventObjectToPost, EventsRegistrationsMap eventsRegistrations, Map<Class<?>,Set<Class<?>>> eventSuperClassesAndInterfacesCache)
      Description copied from interface: InheritancePolicy
      The interface method that returns a set of classes (the implementation uses LinkedHashSet to preserve order of insertion), based on the chosen inheritance policy.
      Specified by:
      getAllEventInheritanceObjects in interface InheritancePolicy
      eventObjectToPost - The event object to post.
      eventsRegistrations - The complete map of events' Registrations.
      eventSuperClassesAndInterfacesCache - The cache used to save event class/superclasses/interfaces serialization.
      a set of classes based on the chosen inheritance policy.
    • serializeEventStructureForInheritanceInterface

      private Set<Class<?>> serializeEventStructureForInheritanceInterface(Class<?> eventClass, Set<Class<?>> eventClassesAndInterfaces, EventsRegistrationsMap eventsRegistrations)
      This method will find all interfaces implemented given the event class. The resulting set will contain the event class itself and all its implemented interfaces (recursively).
      eventClass - The class to serialize (we want to find all interfaces).
      eventClassesAndInterfaces - The set to populate.
      eventsRegistrations - The event registration map.
      The complete set of classes and interfaces.