All Classes and Interfaces

The abstract class defining a command message that can be used by the bus infrastructure.
The abstract class defining a query message that can be used by the bus infrastructure.
A key for events used by the EventBus' maps internally
The bus memory state manager which stores and manages events and listeners
This implementation of the InheritancePolicy interface searches for all superclasses (and only them) given the event class.
This implementation of the InheritancePolicy interface searches for all superclasses and interfaces given the event class.
UFO EventBus is a publish/subscribe event system.
A builder which can be used to create an EventBus
An Exception thrown if something goes wrong using the EventBus.
The data structures composing the infrastructure of the EventBus.
An EventExecutor is a worker used by the bus to notify listeners.
A key for events used by the EventBus' maps internally
The base abstract class that implements the Registrations maps used by the EventBus' MemoryState.
The factory used to create an InheritancePolicy.
Class which exposes an API to create and use a global eventbus with a singleton instance
The interface that defines an inheritance policy to apply on the event class.
An enum with all the possible inheritance policies
This implementation of the InheritancePolicy interface searches for all interfaces given the event class.
An internal message sent from the event bus infrastructure to the bus memory state when a query regarding a listener registration is sent.
This annotation must be applied to methods of registered listeners to EventBus.
The ListenerMethodFinder is a service used to retrieve registered listeners methods annotated with Listen and to store them inside the MemoryState
The memory state of the EventBus.
A message used by the eventbus architecture.
An enum which contains all the possible messages types used by the eventbus architecture.
The simpler implementation of the InheritancePolicy interface.
An internal message sent from the event bus infrastructure to the EventBus' MemoryState when an event is posted to the bus.
An internal message sent from the event bus infrastructure to the EventBus' MemoryState when a sticky event is posted to the bus.
An internal message sent from the event bus infrastructure to the EventBus' MemoryState when you want to print the bus internal state.
The map used to add a Registration using its priority.
An internal message sent from the bus infrastructure to the EventBus' MemoryState when a new listener is registered to an event.
Interface representing a registration.
DTO Representing all the data of a listener to register in the system.
DTO Representing all the data of a listener to register in the system.
An internal message sent when all sticky events must to be removed from the EventBus' MemoryState.
An internal message sent when a sticky event must to be removed from the EventBus' MemoryState.
An internal message sent from the event bus infrastructure to BusMemoryStateManager when the shutdown method of the EventBus is invoked.
The concrete implementation of the EventBus interface
The map used to add a Registration by order of arrival.
An internal message sent when the unregister method of the EventBus is invoked to unregister a listener.