
public class MemoryState extends Object
The memory state of the EventBus. This class contains data structures used by the bus to store events and registered classes (event listeners)
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • logger

      private static final org.slf4j.Logger logger
      The logger used by this class
    • eventsRegistrations

      private final EventsRegistrationsMap eventsRegistrations
      Data structure used to map each listener's registration metadata stored into the memory state
    • listenerToEventsMap

      private final Map<Object,Set<EventMethodKey>> listenerToEventsMap
      This map data structure contains all the registered listeners and their corresponding listened events keys A listener can listen to different events (one or more).
    • stickyEventsMap

      private final Map<BusEventKey,Object> stickyEventsMap
      Map data structure containing all the metadata related to sticky events
    • eventSuperClassesAndInterfacesCache

      private final Map<Class<?>,Set<Class<?>>> eventSuperClassesAndInterfacesCache
      A map used to cache superclasses and interfaces related to an event class
    • safeRegistrationsListNeeded

      private final boolean safeRegistrationsListNeeded
      This attribute ensures that workers gets an unmodifiable Registration's list. For best performance this attribute should be set to false (default) and avoid to register/unregister listeners at runtime time. Otherwise, set it to true.
    • foundListenerStickyEventsRegistrations

      private final EventsRegistrationsMap foundListenerStickyEventsRegistrations
      Partial registrations on sticky events for each Listener (used only in listener registration)
    • inheritancePolicy

      private final InheritancePolicy inheritancePolicy
      The chosen system inheritancePolicy is stored here.
      See Also:
    • verboseLogging

      private final boolean verboseLogging
      Attribute set to true if verbose logging is enabled or to false otherwise
  • Constructor Details

    • MemoryState

      public MemoryState(boolean safeRegistrationsListNeeded, InheritancePolicy inheritancePolicy, boolean verboseLogging)
      The constructor used to build the memory state
      safeRegistrationsListNeeded - The parameter to select whether the safeRegistrationsListNeeded
      inheritancePolicy - The chosen system inheritancePolicy to use
      verboseLogging - If set to true verbose logging will be enabled
  • Method Details

    • getRegistrations

      public List<Registration> getRegistrations(BusEventKey busEventKey)
      Get the list of listeners registrations for a particular event
      busEventKey - The BusEventKey is used to retrieve all related listeners registrations
      The list of listeners registrations for the specified event
    • registrationMapContainsKey

      public boolean registrationMapContainsKey(BusEventKey busEventKey)
      Check if the eventsRegistrations map contains the specified BusEventKey
      busEventKey - The BusEventKey to check for
      True if the eventsRegistrations map contains the specified BusEventKey or false otherwise
    • isEventsRegistrationsEmpty

      public boolean isEventsRegistrationsEmpty()
      Check if the eventsRegistrations map is empty
      True if the eventsRegistrations is empty or false otherwise
    • getEventEventsRegistrationsSize

      public int getEventEventsRegistrationsSize()
      Get the eventsRegistrations map size
      The size of the eventsRegistrations
    • registerListener

      public void registerListener(BusEventKey eventKey, Registration registration)
      Method used to register a listener in the memory state
      eventKey - The BusEventKey of the event to register
      registration - The Registration containing all the metadata of the listener to register
    • getFoundListenerStickyEventsRegistrations

      public EventsRegistrationsMap getFoundListenerStickyEventsRegistrations()
      Gets the found lister sticky events registrations
      The found listener sticky events registrations
    • isStickyEventRegistered

      public boolean isStickyEventRegistered(BusEventKey eventKey)
      Check if a sticky event with a specified BusEventKey is registered in the stickyEventsMap
      eventKey - The BusEventKey to check
      True if the sticky event with the specified BusEventKey is already registered in the stickyEventsMap or false otherwise
    • getStickyEvent

      public Object getStickyEvent(BusEventKey eventKey)
      Get a saved sticky event into the stickyEventsMap if present specifying its BusEventKey
      eventKey - The BusEventKey of the sticky event
      The sticky event with the specified BusEventKey
    • registerStickyEvent

      public void registerStickyEvent(BusEventKey eventKey, Object event)
      Register a sticky event in the memory state
      eventKey - The BusEventKey of the sticky event to register
      event - The sticky event to register
    • unregisterStickyEvent

      public void unregisterStickyEvent(BusEventKey eventKey)
      Unregister a sticky event from the memory state
      eventKey - The BusEventKey of the sticky event to register
    • removeAllStickyEvents

      public void removeAllStickyEvents()
      Remove all the sticky events from the memory state
    • isListenerRegistered

      public boolean isListenerRegistered(Object listener)
      Returns a boolean which is true if the passed listener is currently registered in the memory state, or false otherwise.
      listener - The listener to check
      A boolean true if the passed listener is registered in the memory state, or false otherwise
    • unregisterListener

      public void unregisterListener(Object listenerToUnregister)
      Method used to unregister a listener from the memory state
      listenerToUnregister - The listener to unregister from memory state
    • getEventSuperClassesAndInterfaces

      public Set<Class<?>> getEventSuperClassesAndInterfaces(Object eventObjectToPost)
      Gets all the superclasses and interfaces for the event to post regarding the current InheritancePolicy
      eventObjectToPost - The event to post
      all the superclasses and interfaces for the event to post regarding the current InheritancePolicy
      See Also:
    • printState

      public void printState()
      Print all the useful data in the MemoryState
    • isNewListener

      private boolean isNewListener(Object listener)
      Checks if the specified listener is already registered in the listenerToEventsMap
      listener - The listener to check
      True if the specified listener is not present and false otherwise
    • printEventsRegistrations

      private void printEventsRegistrations()
      Print all the data in the eventsRegistrations
    • printListenerToEventsMap

      private void printListenerToEventsMap()
      Print all the data in the listenerToEventsMap